Friday 21st April 2023
Welcome Back!
It has been great to finally see some sun this week, after what feels like the longest winter ever! It was lovely to welcome the children back to the final term of the school year, which is for some children their final term at Wookey. This week we also welcome two new members of staff, Mrs Robinson and Ms. Pronenko, who will be working in Rowan Class. We are really pleased that they are joining our staff team. Looking at the diary we have a tremendous number of events and extra activities planned over the coming weeks, so it looks like it is going to be an exciting term!
In this edition of the newsletter I want to share some feedback about the children that we had from Somerset County Council, following a 'Pre-Ofsted Readiness Review' that took place here before the Easter break. The reviewers noted that:
"Pupils hold positive views about school. All those spoken to stated that they enjoy coming to school. Their positive comments included: 'Teachers make learning fun', 'All our teachers are so nice' and 'I like reading and books."
They also noted that:
'Pupils demonstrated a good understanding of bullying. They reported that bullying in the school was rare. They were confident that should bullying occur, it would be effectively dealt with by school staff.'
It was lovely to receive such positive feedback from the children, as they are the most important members of our school community.