Friday 5th May 2023
Rowan Class really enjoyed sharing the Coronation Song they have learnt this week with the rest of the school in our special Coronation Assembly this morning. From talking to the children it seems that many are very excited about this historic occasion and determined to watch it live tomorrow. For those of you who are interested, here is a link to a page on 'Wells Nub News' which lists Coronation themed activities that are happening in and around Wells this weekend. I hope everyone enjoys the experience and makes the most of the extra bank holiday on Monday!
Willow Class Update
As some of you will already be aware, Miss Furner has two main responsibilities in our school. As well has being class teacher for Willow Class, she is also our SENCO. Both are huge roles, and the role of SENCO has grown exponentially over the recent years. Those of you who are parents of children who have additional needs will know about the huge amount of work Miss Furner does to support these children. Many schools our size have a SENCO who has no teaching commitment but Miss Furner has to juggle both roles, which she has done brilliantly up to this point. Moving forward though, as the SENCO role continues to grow, we are going to make a change in Willow Class. When we come back to school on Tuesday, June 6th, Miss Furner will be reducing her teaching time to two full days a week to allow her to spend more time on her SENCO role. The rest of the week in Willow will be taken over by Mrs Tanna, who will be finishing in Rowan Class as Mrs Salma is returning after her maternity leave. Having Mrs Tanna in place on the days when Miss Furner is not teaching will ensure stability and continuity for the children. Miss Furner will be writing separately to Willow Class parents, but I felt it was important that this change is mentioned in our newsletter so that all parents are made aware.
End of Day Arrangements
If you are collecting a child from preschool at the 3pm and waiting on the school grounds to collect an elder sibling at the end of the school day can we please insist that your preschooler remains close by you on the playground whilst you are waiting. We have had several incidents of children wandering into classes of late, or on to decking outside classes, which is distracting to the children in class and the teachers. There have also been times when young children have got involved in the end of PE sessions or with classes returning from PE sessions on the field, which is potentially dangerous. Thank you for your understanding.